The Logan City Council adopted its new planning scheme on 12 May this year. While that is a significant milestone it has implications for those people who were intending to develop their land. The new planning scheme has a number of significant changes that may affect your land’s potential for development or the ease of having it developed.
For instance the new scheme now includes a number of precincts in the Low Density Residential zone. A common form of subdivision is to keep an existing house and create a new lot behind – a rear or hatchet lot or battle axe lot. This is not supported in the Small Lot precinct in the new scheme. In order to create those lots you would have to build a new road – clearly not something small developers would want to do!
In some cases the previous planning scheme may have allowed this form of development. You have until 15 May 2016 to lodge what is called a “superseded” planning scheme application to have your development assessed under the previous planning scheme. However, don’t leave it too long - contact us on the button below so we can help you explore your options.