Redland City Council – Medium Density Zone Code Review

Published 23rd August 2021
Council news
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Redlands have published proposed changes to the Medium Density Residential Zone Code. It can be seen here. It includes a considerable amount of change that will affect the yield for developers in the future. This is probably 12 months or more away from coming into effect and there will be opportunity to consider a retrospective or "superseded" assessment against the current code. However, it needs to be taken into consideration when seeking new opportunities. Submissions can be made up to the 16th September. A summary of the changes is outlined below.


The current version of the Planning Scheme nominates a maximum building height of 13m for a Multiple Dwelling development to remain Code Assessable. The proposed amendment seeks for the maximum building height to be reduced to 11.5m and 8.5m where the development is 2 storeys in height. We expect that any development over this height will be Impact Assessable and inconsistent with the code (to be determined).

Site Cover:

  • Reduced from 75% to 55% for an apartment development on a lot 800m2 to 1,000m2
  • Reduced from 75% to 50% for an apartment development on a lot 1,000m2 or greater
  • Reduced from 75% to 50% for all townhouse development.

Definitions of building types:

Apartment Development: The use of a premises for three or more dwelling units in a building that:

  • is two or more storeys in height
  • has a common foyer entrance
  • has communal facilities including outdoor spaces, car parking and
  • waste storage areas

Townhouse Development: The use of a premises for three or more dwelling units that:

  • does not have a dwelling above or below it
  • has individual dwelling unit entrances
  • has individual car parking and waste storage areas

New Landscaping and Deep Planting Requirements:

  • Change from 15% landscaping to a minimum 20% of onsite landscaping including new provisions for 10% of the site for deep planting;
  • Definition of deep planting areas now being
    - have a minimum dimension of 4m in any direction
    - allows for the retention and introduction of native trees
    - and remains unobstructed.

Communal Open Space

Currently, communal open space is only required to be provided where the development involves more than 20 dwellings. The proposed amendment seeks to introduce communal open spaces requirements for:

  • Apartment development with 10 or more dwellings or;
  • Townhouse development with 20 or more dwellings.


With respect to setbacks, the following changes are proposed:

Planned changes table

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